EncFSMP documentation (OS X)
First, you need to install the Pismo File Mount component. Double-click the Icon "Install PFM", enter your Administrator password and click OK. After the PFM component is installed, drag the EncFSMP icon over the Application folder icon, or drag it into your actual Applications folder. Eject the disk image.
If you are upgrading, please first uninstall PFM by double-clicking the Icon "Uninstall PFM", and the continue with installing PFM and EncFSMP.
To Uninstall, move the EncFSMP icon from the Applications folder to the trash can. If you want to uninstall the Pismo File Mount component as well, mount the disk image again and double-click on the Icon "Uninstall PFM".
If you want to update an existing installation, simply perform the same steps as above with the new disk image. There is no need to uninstall the previous version.
Using EncFSMP

Create a new EncFS folder
To create a new EncFS folder, click on the button "Create new EncFS". A new dialog window appears. Enter the following information:- Mount name: Can be set freely. The mount name must be unique, and it will be used as path when it is mounted.
- EncFS path: Enter the path to an empty directory, where you want the encrypted files to be stored. This can be a subfolder in your Dropbox/Google Drive folders, or somewhere in your home directory.
- Use external config file: If this checkbox is enabled, the path to the encfs config file can be defined to a different path as the encfs data folder. This may improve security, but should only be used by advanced users. If the config file is lost, the data can not be recovered!
- External config file: The path to the external config file.
- Password: Enter a password for the directory, then retype it. The more complex, the better. But please keep in mind: If the password is lost, the data can not be recovered!
- If you check the box "Store password", the password will be stored on this computer. Anyone with physical access to this computer will be able to read it. Therefore I suggest not to store it, but to enter it every time the folder is mounted. If you're like me and can't remember strong passwords, use a password management software like KeePass.
- World writable: In a multi-user environment this box should be checked, if other users on the same computer should have access to the files inside the EncFS path.
- Enable caching: This enable some caching on the folder, which
may help improve performance on network mounted folders.
The caching is currently marked "experimental", please make sure you only switch it on while working on unimportant data. It may help a lot especially with network mounted folders. The speed on local folders is not improved much, if at all.
Very important: Only switch on caching on a shared folder if you are certain nobody else is changing the directory at the same time. Otherwise, data loss may occur! - EncFS parameters: Choose either Standard or Paranoia presets, or choose Expert mode where all settings can be adjusted to your liking.
Open an existing EncFS folder
If you want to mount a EncFS folder you created on another computer, click on the button "Open existing EncFS". Enter the same information as above, except for the EncFS parameters.Working with mounts
After defining the mounts, you can use them with EncFSMP. By clicking on a mount, the buttons below will be enabled:- Mount: This button will mount the EncFS folder. If the password is not stored, you are asked to enter the password. After the mount operation is completed, the "Mounted" column will say "Yes". The label of the button will change to "Unmount". By clicking on this button, the EncFS folder will be unmounted again.
- Browse: After an EncFS folder has been mounted, you can open a Finder window in the mounted folder by clicking on "Browse". The mounted folder is also visible under "/Volumes/[mount name]".
- Remove: Removes the definition of a mount. A mount can only be removed if it is not active.
- Show Info: Shows some information about an EncFS folder
- Edit: Edits definitions of a mount (for example, you can store a password to a mount or delete it)
- Change password: With this button, you can change the password of an EncFS folder.
- Export (via Tools menu): With the Export functionality you can export a EncFS folder to another location on the disk (unencrypted).
It is also possible to use EncFSMP without the Pismo File Mount (PFM) component. However, mounting EncFS folders is not available in this case. But it is possible to Export the contents or to change the password of an EncFS folder.
EncFSMP must be running while mounts are active. If you try to close EncFSMP while EncFS folders are mounted, all folders will be unmounted first.
When errors occur (for example due to file corruption), they are displayed in the error log window. The window can be closed and reopened with the menu item Options -> Show error log. If the menu item Options -> Show log window in case of error is checked, the error log window appears automatically when an error occurs.Options
- Show log window in case of error: See above
- Disable unmount confirmation dialog on exit: If a mount is still active when EncFSMP is closed, a dialog asks the user whether EncFSMP shall be closed and the encfs folder be unmounted. When this menu item is checked, the dialog is not shown.
- Save passwords in RAM: While EncFSMP is running, all passwords entered during mount operations will be saved. When the same EncFS folder is mounted and unmounted several times, the password does not have to be entered again. All passwords saved this way are discarded when EncFSMP is closed.
Mount/unmount via commandline
Since 0.9.4 it is possible to mount/unmount EncFS folders via the command line. The syntax is:open -n /Applications/EncFSMP.app --args mount -m mountname [-p password]
open -n /Applications/EncFSMP.app --args unmount -m mountname
The password is an optional paramater. If the password is not yet known to EncFSMP, it will be requested from the user.
Version 0.11.0 adds new options: Now it's possible to add "-p -" to the command line and use the pipe operator | to send the password.
Instead of mounting it is also possible to send the commands "quit" or "minimize" to exit EncFSMP or to iconize it.
Developers documentation
For documentation on how to compile EncFSMP yourself, see the
developer documentation in the Wiki.